This website was created for University of Northern Colorado Course EDF 685-90: Philosophical Foundations of Education Spring Semester, 2014
The Noddings Center
A Center of Care
“All children should acquire some facility in communicating: reading, speaking, listening, writings, and using basic technological processes. These basic communication skills should be interwoven with the attitudes and values we believe should be universally developed: recognition of human interdependence and respect for the variety of talents and interests, a growing dedication to the health of the Earth, aesthetic sensibility, willingness to listen and respond with critical respect, a commitment to gain self-knowledge and moral integrity” (Noddings, 2013, p. 146).
"Whatever is taught must be taught thoroughly and constantly related to the lives of those we teach" (Noddings, 2001, p. 125)
Caring for Animals
Caring for Plants
Caring for the Environment
"Some days, our aim is to open discussion about a social or ethical problem. Some days, our aim is diagnosis; we need to listen to our students before planning how to teach the next round of learning objectives. In every case, good teachers respond to both the assumed needs of their students (established by the curriculum) and the expressed needs of their students (gathered by observing and listening to them).
Good teachers recognize that students' needs vary; groups and individuals have different aptitudes and interests. Therefore, good teachers try, at least occasionally, to help students create their own objectives” (Noddings, 2014, p.18).
Physical Arrangements
Maintaining and Conserving
Making and Repairing
Understanding and Appreciating
© 2014 by Becky Reed.